Monday, October 20, 2008

Spinning Homework Part II

Well I decided to continue my Spinning homework and carded three of four batts I colored the other night. It all went well and the colors came out pretty good. The only problem I am having is the same as the other night with the Burgundy one (It is to the right of the moss green in the top photo and above the moss green on the bottom one) is still bleeding color...I know I rinsed it well and used enough vinegar because I forgot the first time to put the vinegar in and so the second time I used a lot....something I just don't understand....oh I need spin some of them.......
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Julie said...

s you on Saturday - hope you are feeling better and getting to the bottom of your migraines. Do you drink diet soda with aspartame? Or use Equal sweetener? You might also have an intolerance to gluten. Both things are worth checking out (and both are related to blood sugar).

I ruined my homework (felted the fiber while dyeing it) but Kathy's drum carder, and electric carder (man, I love that thing) saved the day...I was able to spin almost 2 ounces which is about 2 ounces more than I thought could be salvaged.

See you Saturday!

Chris Size said...

Thanks, I am feeling better.....

Sorry about your fiber...I need to spin mine...I am going to do that tomorrow.

Both my parents get migraines....that's why I get them ever once in a while....I will tell the cause when I see you....