Kathy came right over and knew just what was happening and what to do. She asked a lot of questions...well it seemed like a lot of questions of which I had no answers. I wasn't prepared...my pens weren't ready.....I wasn't ready. Well she said lets get started and that is what we did. We trimmed the hair around Princesses teats so the baby could find them. Kathy is just so good. So we did.....next
Baby and mother bonding....kid now standing on his own. He is just so cute. Oh by the way....Kathy asked me to check to see if it was a boy or a girl. Well I did and I said a doe, she said what about the things between his legs. OH, I gasped.....I stated I looked.....she said, did you feel....I said no...... Learning one.....feel for the parts, looks can be deceiving. Next...
More baby bonding.....but we wanted to make sure he was nursing so we did what I am calling 'Plug and Play' or PNP. Next...
Kathy teaches me how to 'PNP' the kid. It is a lot harder then it looks. You would think it would be a simple thing....well I am here to say it is not. Kathy is just wonderful....a few seconds later you could hear the kid suckling......oh what a relief. More to come....next...
Oh boy....it is going to get cold tonight.....so my friend Michelle and I went next store and asked if they had any little baby t-shirt. They did....and they let me have one. This picture is just so cute...me putting the t-shirt on and the mother checking it all out. Me still out of my mind....I was thinking will I get through this. You would think I was the one delivering.......
Chris, me, trying the PNP....looks liked it worked here.
Well lets make sure your attached. Come on it is right there...just grab hold. I had a teat in one hand....the other held the back of his head with one finger opening his mouth and me trying to put all the pieces to play. Oh sweet success.....slurping sounds.....he is getting some......ok, I can pass out now.......whew I am wore out.....well now that his belly is full he finally gets some rest. Next...
Ok, the baby says 'I am done for the moment and leave me to sleep'......I was exhausted....and the baby naps quietly in the warmth of an Arizona sunset. Success for the moment.
Well Kathy informed me that my other does are ready.....so they are now separated. The bucks have been put into their own pens and are not happy about the whole thing.
I am so grateful for Kathy's help today. I thought I would be ready and ok with the thought of having babies.....I guessed wrong. Nature is such a wonderful thing and I thank God for all the wonderful people in my life and all that he allows me do. I learn new and wonderful things about life each day and I look forward to learning much more.
Kathy, thank you for being the person that you are. Thank you for your patience that you have with me and for showing me how to do things.
Well I am sure I will have more pictures and more stories in the next few weeks...as the kids starting coming.....oh boy....... Lets 'Plug and Play'
Congratulations! There is NOTHING cuter than a baby goat kid! Have fun and enjoy her (him?)while she's little.
In a year you will be a pro and handing out advice as easily as I did. Things will not always go as planned, so you have to plan for the unexpected!
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