Sunday, September 30, 2007

Whew - What is that smell..!

On Monday I came home, opened the door to my house and whew…..what a smell. It was something rotten. I thought, did Abby, my dog bring something in….hmmm. I walked through the house going man that smell is just awful but, where is it coming from.

Well, as I got close to the patio… became apparent to me. My carrion cactus was blossoming all over the place. When I took a closer look, WHEW……that is exactly where the smell was coming from the cactus…and with the full sun on them they were just a smelling the whole place up. Funny, after the sun goes down the smell goes with it. In a week or two they will have all flowered and smell will be gone for another year.

The blossom is pretty and I like them because they are big.

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