Sunday, September 9, 2007

Farley - My Companion Goat

This is Farley my companion goat. I got him when he was six months old and had him fixed so I could separate my buck and not leave my buck by himself. My buck and Farley became good friends.......over time that is.
When I took this picture the only thing that came to mind was a song from Christina Aquilera.......'I am beautiful in every single way......words can't bring me down'........
Look at those ears........he makes all kinds of trouble too.....from stampede's to wiping out in the dirt because he is running too fast....but I love him anyway.
He is also the only one who lets me know when his fat belly is hungry.......then I know it is feeding he keeps me in line. I tell him that I work for goat feed to ensure his belly stays fat.....quick where is the food.

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