The days are still warm in Marana, AZ. Today, Sunday it was in the 90's and thought I would take some pictures. The bottom picture I took from the side of the house. On the right hand side of the picture is Double D. He is my oldest buck at about a year and a half. Next to him standing is Cherry Berry......half mountain goat......there is nothing she won't jump on or try to eat. To the left of her is Samson my newest buck. His father No Size has produced some awesome mohair and I am hoping Samson will as well.
So I thought I would sneak out from the patio doors. As you can see from the top picture it didn't work so well. I really tried to be quiet but once can see a little of him, he is the black and white one, got one look at me......his belly went off and he came a running. They soon discovered that I didn't have any food but that didn't stop them from I gave up on the pictures for now.
One day I will get a few good ones.