Thursday, February 5, 2009

No. 5 Get that leg up and stay in formation...

Here is the closest I got to them all cleaning on one 5 is out of sync.....I told him to stay up with the rest. He didn't seem to respond to me or my camera....oh well...enjoy.

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1, 2, 3, Everybody up - 4, 5, 6 Everybody down...

My Patrolmen do synchronized you can see. I think it is so cute to see them all going up...then all going down.....sometimes they all are standing on one foot....tried to get a picture but I was just not fast enough. This is one of their favorite duties each preen in the warm dry Arizona sun after splashing and chasing each other in their mud hole. After all the fun settles they all gather for their cleaning.

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bathroom Dispute...

In this picture Oyster (The white Llama) arrived at one of the llama's prime poop pile and before anything happened Oreo (The brown Llama) showed up. Oyster was put off and then Oreo was put ended with everyone doing what they needed to do and then go along their happy ways.

I took with picture because I think Oreo may grow bigger then her sister. Oreo has her Mom's (Emmy) build and Oyster has more of Dad's (Phillip the Spitter) build and I wanted to get a picture of them standing next to each other and this seemed like a good time...only after I took the picture did a realize it was a big'ol bathroom dispute.

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Feed comes but with a hefty price...

A few weeks ago my feed was delivered by Vaquero's. They do an awesome job of delivering and covering....I am just so impressed but, the price of feed is high these days and so are bales of anything. I asked since the price of gas has gone down will the feed price go down and I was told "you know once it goes up it will never come down". I knew that...but thought it couldn't hurt to ask. What is shown is about 800 dollars worth and none of it gets wasted. Even the pellets that fall on the ground get raked up and thrown into the pen for later munching is just too expensive to waste it.

I highly recommend Vaquero for feed and their customer service is awesome. I know this because I have had 13 years of customer service experience and so my recommendations do not come easily.

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A Picture for Marc

This is a picture I took for a friend of mine named Marc. I was telling him I think my geese think they are goats because they eat and sleep with the herd. He was surprised so here is a picture of it. I ran across the picture today even though it was taken in the summer the geese still think they are goats. Well they think they can boss everyone around....most of the time the goats give in but, once in a while a goat will turn and all the geese jump in the air with wings just a flapping. Even when this happens it still does not deter them from their duties of inspecting each and every bucket of water or food. The geese (Patrolmen) take their jobs very, very seriously and is the funnest thing to see happen.


Standing in front is Easter she was born on Easter Sunday and is just as much of a trouble maker as her mother (Cherry-Berry) was. You just see Cherry-Berries horns in the far bottom right corner of the picture.
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Are these sleeping Humming Birds?

Before the end of the summer I saw what looked liked two puffs of cotton on a branch so I took a closer look. They never moved so I ran in and got my camera. They never even moved as I got as close as I could to take pictures. They were also breathing could actually see them was just fascinating. I think I may have found two sleeping Humming Birds. Please let me know if they are because I have always wondered where do Humming birds sleep? From the feet it looks like Hummers.....take a look and leave a comment please. Thanks, Chris
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