Sunday, January 13, 2008

Angie is down at midnight......oh...I think something is going to happen.

Oh we go. It was midnight and Angie is down and pushing. So I made sure everything was in order. I was worried because it was so wet...but I was ready. It really looked like baby was coming when all of a sudden everything stopped and she got up and casually strolled over for something to eat. I stood there dumbfounded.....she looked at me like...'what....I am hungry so I am eating'. Then I didn't know what to do with myself so I started checking on her every 20 to 30 minutes and by.....2:30am...I decided I needed to get some sleep or I would just fall over. She would lay a little pushing then get back up and walk around..... Oh my...this was driving me was so wet....I was like, come on, lets get this going so we can all get some rest....but no. Angie was going to have her baby when Angie was ready. I finally passed out around 2:45 am and set my alarm for was only two hours....what could happen.


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